Multidisciplinary Team identification and parent notification
Highly Capable Multi-Disciplinary Teams (district and school teams) will conduct the identification process by reviewing test results and other supporting documentation to make recommendations for Highly Capable services for the next school year.
Parents will be notified of committee recommendations for Highly Capable services and provided copies of score reports from annual testing.
Referrals open for those who are new to PSD as of January 1st in June.
Reference Books/Articles:
Distance Learning/Enrichment Programs:
Peninsula School District seeks to identify those students who may benefit from participating in the district’s Highly Capable Program. Assessments used for identification for the Highly Capable Program include the Cognitive Abilities Test full battery, measures in core subjects, and referral information.
Highly Capable students are those who perform or show potential for performing at significantly advanced academic levels when compared with others of their age, experiences, or environments – typically 3-5% of the population. A multi-disciplinary team comprised of teachers, principals, school psychologist, and district administrators meet to make placement decisions in the spring for the following school year, using a wide range of data.
Anyone may refer a student once annually for testing (Cognitive Abilities full battery test) in grades 1-8 for determining highly capable identification for the following school year. Referrals may come from parents, teachers, school specialists, friends, family community members, or even the student him/herself.
Identification of students for our Highly Capable programs occurs in the spring for placement the following school year. Test results from the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) will be sent home after the Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) meets in late winter/early spring.
Appeals: After a student completes the district’s highly capable testing process and it has been determined that the child did not qualify for the program, the decision can be appealed. If a parent or teacher would like to make an appeal, they need to complete the form in order for the process to begin. Other data can be submitted with this form to help the committee members gather a complete picture of the student. However, the qualifying standards will not be adjusted for data gathered outside the school system. An appeals form (available below) must be filed within two weeks of receipt of your child’s results.
Re-testing: Students may re-test annually through the referral process given the following conditions:
Students who transfer to PSD from out-of-district schools and have been served previously in a highly capable program are not automatically enrolled in our program. Test scores and placement letters from the other school may be used but still must meet our placement criteria. Please contact the district Highly Capable office at highlycapable@psd401.net if you have a student transferring to PSD who was previously identified outside our district to find out what information is needed to review the student’s status. If sufficient testing data is not available from the previous school, a summer (August) testing opportunity will be available for students who are new to Peninsula School District after the referral window closes.