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Section 504


Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, commonly called “Section 504,” is a federal law that protects students from discrimination based on disability. This law applies to all programs and activities that receive funding from the federal government, including Washington public schools. 


All 504 record requests must be made through your school counselor.


Step Description of Activity
1. Concern Staff and/or parent/guardian/adult students initiate a 504 referral. The referral should be documented in writing on the 504 Referral Form (Form 504-2) and forwarded to the counselor. The counselor will consult with the school nurse to determin if the concern involves the need for a health care plan. Depending on the nature of the referral, the counselor or nurse (if health care plan only) completes the SCHOOL REQUEST FOR 504 DETERMINATION (Form 504-3)
2. Referral/Consent

The counselor or nurse generates the PARENT/GUARDIAN CONSENT FOR EVALUATION (Form 504-4). A copy of SCHOOL REQUEST FOR 504 DETERMINATION (504-3), and Your Rights Under 504 (Form 504-1) is provided to the parent/guardian/adult student.


The 504 Case Manager receives the PARENT/GUARDIAN CONSENT FOR EVALUATION (Form 504-4) and scans/uploads it to the PowerSchool 504 database and sends the original signature page to Student Services. If a parent refuses to consent for 504 evaluation, the 504 evaluation process ends. All medical information is placed in the student’s health file. 

3. Health Care Plan

Health Care Plan: 
Every student new to the district who has a health concern requiring a health care plan has an initial meeting with the school nurse. The nurse will develop the health care plan, share information about Section 504, and give the parent a copy of HEALTH CARE PLAN AND/OR SECTION 504 PLAN. The Parent/Guardian completes 504 Referral (Form 504-2). 

The school nurse will complete the Parent/Guardian Consent for Evaluation Form (Form 504-4) and will provide the Your Rights Under 504 (504-1) and give both to the parent/guardian.

If the parent/guardian does not consent to a 504 Evaluation, the original 504-4 Form will be sent to Student Services for retention and a copy placed in the back of the student health folder. 

If the parent/guardian consents to a 504 Team Evaluation, the nurse will complete the School Request for 504 Determination (Form 504-3). 

504 Team Review

The evaluation process begins after consent is received by the District. It is recommended that the evaluation be completed within 35 school-days of receipt of consent. In order to review evaluation data and make an eligibility determination, the 504 Case Manager schedules a meeting for the student’s 504 Team (should include the case manager, administrator, teacher, parent, and any other staff member knowledgeable about the disability indicated in the referral) to review pertinent evaluation data and determine eligibility. 

The 504 Team completes each section of the DETERMINATION OF ELIGIBILITY REPORT (Form 504-5) including the eligibility determination and team decision. Based on the Determination of eligibility, the team completes the 504 ELIGIBILITY OR NON-ELIGIBILITY NOTICE (Form 504-6). Parents are provided a copy of forms 504-5, 504-6, and Your Rights Under 504 (504-1).