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Our Board of Directors


Guiding Our District with Vision and Integrity

The Peninsula School District Board of Directors comprises five elected members who govern the district. Collaborating with the superintendent and administrators, the board makes key decisions on bond and levy elections, budget adoption, facilities, curriculum, fiscal planning, employee relations, transportation, and more. They establish policies in line with federal, state, and local laws, as well as guidelines from the State Board of Education and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction.

While the board sets policy, a professional staff led by the superintendent implements these policies and manages daily district operations.

Board Meeting Notices, Agendas, and Minutes

Current Board Meeting Information

Meetings are held at Swift Water Elementary, 10811 Harbor Hill Drive, Gig Harbor, WA 98332, in the Community Room, starting at 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted. For questions, contact the School Board Office at (253) 530-1002.

Public Comments:

During Regular Business Meetings, you can address the board by signing up to speak on Agenda and Non-Agenda Items before the meeting begins. The Board President will call your name when it's your turn. 

Our board follows policy/procedure 1400/1400P, ensuring meetings are conducted civilly and orderly. 

  • Each speaker has up to 3 minutes, adjusted if needed for disabilities or interpretation.
  • No speaker can donate their time to another.
  • Speak only once per meeting.
  • Comments are for the board to listen; no dialogue will occur.
  • The board's silence is neutral, not signaling agreement or disagreement.
  • Clarifying questions may be asked, and follow-up may occur later.
  • Be mindful of legal implications in your remarks.

For handouts, email is preferred; hardcopies can be given to the Executive Assistant.

Feedback should start with those closest to the situation, such as teachers or principals.


Board Meeting Live Stream

The next School Board meeting will be held at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Septembre 10, 2024. at Swift Water Elementary

This meeting will be live streamed

Most Peninsula School District Board of Directors meetings will stream live from the start. An embedded video player will be added to this page before each meeting. You can view all live streams and archives of past meetings directly on the PSD YouTube channel.



Updates to Public Comment Process

Under the state’s Open Public Meetings Act, we are required to accept public comments at any meeting during which action is taken. However, the format in which these comments are accepted is at the discretion of the board. Some boards restrict comments to an overall time limit, accept comments in writing, or limit comments to agenda items only.

We have always welcomed in-person comments on any issue at our meetings and avoided limiting the number of speakers. Unfortunately, there has been a shift in tone that is impacting the welcoming and professional environment we strive to maintain. It’s important to remember that these meetings are business meetings of the school board held in public, not public town halls or stages for debate.

As board members, we are elected to serve you – our community. We take our jobs seriously and we greatly value the insights our families, students, and citizens bring forward to improve our schools. In order to preserve the focus of our meetings, we are making some adjustments to the agenda and public comment process. 

New Adjustments to the Public Comment Process:

  1. Staff Presentations will be moved to the beginning of the meeting.
    This allows more people to become informed about the work being done in our schools and may answer questions raised during public comments.

  2. Two Distinct Comment Periods:

    • The first period will be for comments on agenda items before action is taken.
    • The second period will be for comments on non-agenda items later in the meeting.


We also want to address our practice regarding response to public comments. We intentionally avoid responding to any comments made during the meeting. Our silence do es not indicate a position for, against, or indifferent to any comment. our goal is to maintain a neutral environment and avoid creating a perception of bias. Often, we will direct the superintendent to follow up on concerns raised, as many topics can, and should, be addressed at the school level. In caes where a board response is needed, our president will proceed with a follow-up conversation. 

Our Shared Expectation of Civility

We hold ourselves to a standard of professionalism and expect the same from attendees. Disruptive behaviors such as cheering or booing during public comments are not appropriate in this forum. We appreciate your support in maintaining a professional atmosphere.

District Committees and Board Directors

Below are the Peninsula School District Committees and the Board Directors who serve on them. 
* Denotes Linked Resolution Document


 Committee Board Director(s)
 CTE Advisory  Natalie Wimberley, Chuck West
 School/Faith Leaders  Lori Glover
 Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC)*  Jennifer Butler
 State Legislative Representative  David Olson, Natalie Wimberley
 Student Board Rep Members  Lori Glover, Natalie Wimberley
 Finance and Audit Advisory*  David Olson, Chuck West
 Long Range Facilities Advisory Committee*  Lori Glover, Jennifer Butler
 Instructional Materials Committee  Natalie Wimberley
 Arts Council  Chuck West


Become a Board Member

The Peninsula School District Board of Directors, consisting of five elected members, collaborates with the superintendent and administrators to make decisions on:

  • Bond and levy elections
  • Budget adoptions
  • Facilities
  • Curriculum
  • Fiscal planning
  • Employee relations
  • Transportation
  • They set district policies based on federal, state, and local laws.

Candidates must be:

  • U.S. citizens
  • Legal residents of Washington State
  • At least 18 years old by election day
  • Registered voters within the Peninsula School District and the director district they wish to represent

Director Districts
Board members represent one of five geographic regions. Use the provided map to find your district.


  • Meetings: Held the first and third Tuesdays of each month from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. (schedule may change during school breaks).
  • Participation: Members spend an additional 10 hours per week on various activities, including school visits and community meetings. Prospective candidates should contact current board members for more information.
  • Term: Four years
  • Vacancy: If a vacancy occurs, remaining board members appoint someone to serve until the next election. Applications will be posted on the district website, and interviews will be conducted in public meetings.


Pierce County Elections

Washington Secretary of State

Washington State School Directors’ Association

District Policies and Procedures

The Peninsula School District Board of Directors sets policies and procedures to govern the district, ensuring compliance with federal, state, and local laws.

Policies: Require board approval to adopt, revise, or delete.

Procedures: Detail how policies are implemented. Established by the superintendent and district administration, they do not need board approval but are discussed at board meetings.

Policies and procedures are organized into categories. Select the desired series and click on the policy or procedure number to view the document.

1000 Series – Board of Directors

2000 Series – Instruction

3000 Series – Students

4000 Series – Community Relations

5000 Series – Human Resources

6000 Series – Management Support

7000 Series – Financial Management